She Said Jump presents

The Guy In The Luggage Rack

Sunday 25th August


The Guy In The Luggage Rack is an aerial theatre show that combines physical comedy with striking aerial acrobatics and is the debut live show from She Said Jump.

Daisyʼs mum died, nearly a year ago now. Sheʼs fine. Sheʼs busy. She canʼt complain. Except sheʼs got this slight issue with an invisible guy that wonʼt leave her alone and itʼs becoming increasingly difficult to get on with getting on.

From the silly to the sublime, from the scary to the ridiculous, Daisy wrestles (sometimes literally) with her grief – Ian, a 6-foot invisible bald guy with a lot of luggage – eventually discovering that by letting him into her world she is able to reconnect with the memory of her mother.

Drawing on theatre clown, circus and puppetry, this accessible show tackles the themes of grief and bereavement with a light and playful touch.

Length: 40 minutes
Interval: No
Age: 8+


Full Price £12

Concession £11

Group of 4 £44



Sun 25th August1pm2pm